Tissue Culture

Date Palms

We are the only nursery in Southern Africa that 
supplies tissue culture date palms to our clients.

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About us

African Date Palm Nursery

(ADPN) is situated between Hopefield and Velddrif on the West Coast of South Africa. We are the only nursery in Southern Africa that supplies tissue culture date palms to our clients. Together with our partner laboratories in France, the United Kingdom and United States of America, we offer date palm tissue culture plant material of the highest quality with true-to-type DNA.



ADPN offers date palm varieties with significant commercial and export value, such as Medjool & Barhi.

Tissue Culture

Date Palms

We are the only nursery in Southern Africa that supplies tissue culture date palms to our clients


Tissue culture

  • True-to-type plant material preserving the superior characteristic of the “mother tree”
  • Uniform plantation ensuring even tree size from the start.
  • Sterilized growing media reduces risks of soil borne pests and diseases.
  • Large well-developed root system ensures easy establishment.
  • High field establishment success.
Our Trees

The Tissue Culture Process

High quality date palm material developed from tissue culture is a slow process which takes up to 3 years before plants are ready to leave the laboratory phase.  Once acclimatized in a specialized climate-controlled environment, the plants are ready for the growing phase in the nursery greenhouses. 

A second transplant 3-5 months later into larger bags is followed by another 8-10 months before being ready for field plantation. Sterilized growing media are used in all growing phases in order to reduce phytosanitary risks and allow for export of trees outside South Africa.  Field ready plants will have minimum 1-2 pinnate leaves.